mum@somerville theater

Last night we were fortunate enough to see mum play in Somerville, MA. It was our first chance to see them live and it was an amazing experience.
Haushka and Tom Brosseau opened, both with engrossing solo sets. Haushka, alone at an upright piano opened up with little bells and trinkets hanging from duct tape against the exposed strings, created worlds of sound with a wry little grin that invited the audience in and started the evening very nicely. Tom with his guitar and fascinating stage presence told emotional little stories and held a short Q&A.
Mum was much different live than what I had expected listening to their recorded music. Recorded, the band sounds much smaller, focused on this and that detail of sound. Live, the attention to details of sound remain but scope of the sound is much greater, not just being louder in general but the presentation feels grander and more oriented towards movement. It was a shame the Somerville Theatre's seating is bolted down.
It was also great to finally get a chance to meet the band after writing back and forth since we first started talking about the video early this year.
Thank you for a wonderful evening!



私達が住んでる所から車で2時間ほどのsomervilleという町のsomerville theaterです。


共演は同じfatcatレーベルから、HaushkaTom Brosseauでした。
Tom Brosseauは、ディビット・リンチの映画に出て来る人の様でした。歌いはじめた瞬間、空気が違う色に変わります。



依頼をくれたオルヴァルはもちろん、他のみんなもアニメーションを見てくれてて、さらにアイスランドの別のアーティスト、KirakiraのEP カバーをやった事まで知ってて(mumのメンバーが参加している)、アイスランドのアーティストは本当にみんな繋がってるんだなあ〜と再確認。
