Pictoplasma Paris!


All through the month of December some of our illustrations will be showing at La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, in the group exhibition Post Digital Monsters and as part of the Pictoplasma extravaganza taking place throughout the city.
The exhibition opening is December 7th and the exhibition ends December 31st.  It is going to be great!  And the gallery is new and really amazing and has been doing a lot of interesting shows.  Plus the people we are showing with are super talented folks (Friends with You, Shoboshobo, etc.) and we are incredibly honored to be invited to show with them!
If you are anywhere in the Paris area in December swing by and take a look!

Oh, and the illustrations are taken from our MoonHare story set that we took with us on the Oneiric Caravan tour in Japan last summer.  We'll be writing about them soon enough!

12月7日〜31日までパリで開催されるピクトプラズマのパリ巡回展「Pictoplasma Paris」にイラストレーションで参加します。

会場は、ポンピドゥーセンターの近くに今年3月にオープンしたばかりのメディアアートセンターLa Gaîté lyrique(ラ・ゲイテ・リリック)

今回はPost Digital Monstersというテーマなので、ムーンヘアのシリーズからムーンヘアと戦う眠れる巨人ホボマックが描かれた作品が数点展示される予定です。
