Shopping Overture

Magical pendants,  strange and enchanting scenes, busts of powerful visionaries: here is the Overture shopping guide! There are four locations to purchase something of ours now and we're laying out the differences between each here as well as some of the perks that apply to particular sites during the holiday season.

Just yesterday an Overture shop opened at Big Cartel and it will house original work exclusively! At the moment we are setting up just five pieces, three of the Dreamers and two older works for reduced prices. Shipping is free through the end of the year!
まずひとつめは昨日ショップをオープンしたばかりのBig Cartel です。ここではOvertureのイラストレーションのオリジナルを販売しています。

We've had quite a few prints available for order in a variety of forms for a while now on Society6. All of the Dreamers, Zodiac illustrations, the looping Sesame illustration and others are up there - and shipping is free through Monday!

We only have one item on Etsy at the moment, the Leaf pendant from Ludic Chase - and there are only 8 left! And they are only $15! We plan to have more physical items of this nature available soon, but you may want to pick one of these up for yourself or a loved one while they are still around.

みっつめは先日もここでお知らせしたEtsyストアのLudic Chaseのリーフペンダント。15ドルで、残りは8個になっています。近いうちにこのペンダントのような身につけられる/絵ではないけど手に取ってもらえるようなグッズをまた作りたいと思っています。それまではこのリーフペンダントを手元にどうぞ。

Finally there is our MoonHare piece at The Working Proof. At the moment it is the only place to pick up any of the illustrations from the MoonHare series. There are three different sizes available with prices adjusted accordingly. And of course the best part is that 15% of the gross sale goes to 826 National!!!

最後はムーンヘアシリーズの作品から一点、The Working Proofにて販売中です。こちらもサイズが選べます。購入した金額のうち15%が、放課後の地域の子供達への学習サポートや地元のミュージシャンなどによるワークショップ等の活動をしているナイスなNPO、826 Nationalへの寄付になります。